Sunday, May 25, 2008

Got tagged by Mel

1) the most daring thing you have ever done
-Lied to my parents that I had extra class in school whereas I followed by friend's car out to collect newspaper when I was in primary 6.Shhhh!

2) the most daring thing you plan to do
-I told a guy I had a crush on him and ended up building icy walls between us.Kids,don't try this at home.

3) something (a quirk) everyone knows you for
-My nick is Panda/pan and I my hairstyle.(Ju keeps telling me I look like this and that person when we go out!hmph)

4) your favorite object
-Sexy DSLR cameras!

5) what you crave for right now
-What more to say?A DSLR camera for sure!I want a Nikon D60 or maybe Canon
EOS Rebel XSi.*sweating*they're damn hawt.

6) what you think about yourself
-I like photography.I worship good cameras,skillful photographers,cool bloggers,interesting blogs and lame jokes.

7) your most used word

8) what you want to do but you know you can't/won't do it
-Have a pair of wings.

Okay.I've done it.I tagged YOU.

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