Friday, August 03, 2007


"In an average day,a four-year-old child will ask 437 questions."

That's a fact.Me being a fifteen,often ask questions.Lame,stupid questions are my favourites.Today's ERT class stupid open book test kills me so basically the three of us,Ju,Amanda aka. jie jie and me just whisper like mad when others are so quiet.What's wrong with whispering when there's an exam?LoL.Teacher only asked us don't talk...which means we can either laugh or shout or whisper right?The teacher is so freakin sien.Make me have a headache and we all hate her!*evil grin*

I asked Ju a stupid question...


Based on what Ju ^(00)^ commented...

Me:"Why A not b?"

Ju:"Why the parents call me ba-bie(B) not ba?Why see(C) you not D you?Why call da-die(D) not da-E? Why eee not fff?Why F you not oh G!?Why gee not H?Why hatch(H) the egg not I the egg?Why eye(I) not J? "

Was really kek tiok.

Deleted the crap=D

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